One Man, One God: The Peace Ministry of Fr Alec Reid CSsR
Few people made a bigger contribution to the Northern Ireland peace process than Fr Alec Reid. As a member of the Redemptorist community in Clonard monastery for over forty years, Fr Alec’s peace ministry emerged from a religious community deeply rooted in west Belfast.
Fr Alec saw himself as a servant of Christ in a situation of political conflict. Moved by the suffering of people on both sides of the divide, he felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to work for an end to violence. His contribution to peace in Ireland is immeasurable and there would be no peace process without his hard work and determination.
One Man, One God is the first book to examine in detail the extraordinary ministry of this good and simple priest. Written by Redemptorist, Fr Martin McKeever, it provides unique insight into what motivated Fr Alec, what inspired him, and what kept him going during years of disappointment, frustration and seeming failure.
Through this book the reader will not only get to know Fr Alec the man, the Christian, and the priest, but also gain an understanding of peacemaking that can be applied to any situation of conflict.
Only €14.95 / £12.95 (plus P&P)